Thought Leadership
Personalizing channel loyalty
When it comes to loyalty programs, personalization is key. The more personalized, the greater the outcomes. Both engagement and business results benefit at higher rates. Because of that, we start thinking about personalization right from the beginning, during program design.
Winning the last four feet
For brands operating in retail, success is determined by the ability to “win the last four feet” – the critical interaction between the customer and the retail associate. Regardless of the advertising budget, it can all be rendered ineffective if a competitor excels in that final interaction. Conversely, outperforming competitors in those crucial moments can offset their advertising spend.
Bridging the gap: strengthening leader-employee connections on Employee Appreciation Day
The disconnect between leaders and employees has become increasingly evident. According to The New Rules of Engagement® research from BI WORLDWIDE, a staggering 38% of U.S. employees feel their leaders don’t understand the typical employee.
4 ways to hook customers into your loyalty program
Across the customer lifecycle, there are moments that can negatively impact perception of your company and lead to drop off. But during acquisition, the stakes are higher. These are first impression moments, subject to snap observations that can lead to inaccurate judgments and drop-offs. When your objective is to capture true customer loyalty with sustained, long-term engagement, first impression moments are incredibly important.
Why learning is trending in the workplace
Lifelong learning does remarkable things for our brains. Research has found that learning keeps brain cells working at optimum levels, which may slow cognitive and memory decline as we age.
What is attention currency and why is it important?
The average person sees or hears between 4,000 and 10,000 marketing messages every day. A customer’s attention has become one of a marketer’s most valuable commodities. Learn how to build credible engagement and real attention currency with your customers.
The power of purple shirts
Automotive OEMs have an abundance of channel data, from sales to staffing to certification. But knowing what to do with that data can be challenging. Learn how to maximize qualitative insights to drive dealer performance.
4 ways to motivate your channel sales
By building the proper groundwork, along with giving the proper time and attention, you can maximize your indirect channel sales partners’ output.
5 key channel marketing trends
For manufacturing companies, sales partners and distributors are the lifeblood for their products and solutions. Supporting them with training, communications, rewards, recognition and analytics is vital to the relationship. Over the past few years, organizations have evolved their strategies and support to make sure their message and solutions reach the right people.