The gamification platform increased learning among insurance brokers, resulting in a 20% increase in policies written year over year.
Problem space
Employee engagement
Keep agents engaged
An insurance company wanted to drive loyalty among their 30,000 agents across the country. They wanted to improve engagement, increase learning, and increase sales.
Incentivize success
They came to us for help, and we created a Bunchball gamification program into their existing broker portal. Missions were created for learning and marketing materials, and brokers were rewarded with points and branded merchandise.
Mission(s) accomplished
The company saw incredible results. They had over 20,000 agents active in the program, and they completed over 1.3 million missions, averaging over 2,900 per day. This was almost 88,000 hours of education! 85% of the agents completed more than 5 missions, 44% completed more than 50 missions, and 28% completed over 100 missions.
All of these mission completions resulted in a 20% increase in insurance policies written year over year.
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