Because of the successful adoption of the program by sales reps, the company saw an ROI of 4:1.
Food and beverage
Problem space
Sales team motivation
Branded merchandise
Raise the bar
A large beer manufacturer was interested in gaining share of the Economy beer segment among its competitors. The challenge they faced was getting their Distributor Sales Representatives to focus on off-premise retail activity by setting up displays in retail locations.
Motivate with rewards
Distributor Sales Reps (DSR) were tasked with submitting a display claim via their support incentive platform that we created. The claim included the account, the number of cases, the location, and an image. In return, the DSR was rewarded with points based on the case count in each display. The incentive platform became a merchandise redemption tool where we created exclusive merchandise available only to participating distributors.
Crack open success
Distributor Sales Reps embraced this program, submitting hundreds of thousands of claims, increasing the manufacturer’s gross margin per case. The number of cases sold doubled, and the manufacturer’s ROI was 4:1.
Thought Leadership
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Winning the last four feet
For brands operating in retail, success is determined by the ability to “win the last four feet” – the critical interaction between the customer and the retail associate. Regardless of the advertising budget, it can all be rendered ineffective if a competitor excels in that final interaction. Conversely, outperforming competitors in those crucial moments can offset their advertising spend.
Why learning is trending in the workplace
Lifelong learning does remarkable things for our brains. Research has found that learning keeps brain cells working at optimum levels, which may slow cognitive and memory decline as we age.
4 ways to motivate your channel sales
By building the proper groundwork, along with giving the proper time and attention, you can maximize your indirect channel sales partners’ output.