Close-up of hands holding pens over financial documents with charts and graphs. A calculator is on the table. The scene suggests a collaborative business or financial planning meeting.

Driving targeted results across multiple channels

A major beverage manufacturer and bottler wanted to drive targeted void closures with food service on-premises (FSOP) customers and deliver incremental revenue for a specific brand. Their goal was to achieve a void closure rate of 10% with a stretch goal of 15% of their nearly 5500-customer audience.


The push/pull tactics for this campaign increased the voids closed overall, surpassed the voids closed from a previous campaign, and increased their typical promo take rate.


Food and beverage

Problem space

Channel engagement


Multi-channel marketing

Research and analytics


Incremental revenue

A major beverage manufacturer and bottler wanted to drive targeted void closures with food service on-premises (FSOP) customers and deliver incremental revenue for a specific brand. Their goal was to achieve a void closure rate of 10% with a stretch goal of 15% of their nearly 5500-customer audience.

Multi-channel awareness campaign

We developed a multi-channel campaign to build awareness and motivate purchase behaviors through multiple touchpoints and a reward. The client developed and executed a sales overlay that created a push/pull to elevate the campaign. The touchpoints in the campaign included:

  • Launch outreach: email, direct mail, order site banner linking to open info splash page
  • Non-responder outreach: email, direct mail, order site banner linking to open info splash page
  • Reward purchase behavior with a reward: JBL Tune Flex true wireless earbuds
  • Multi-language campaign: English and Spanish

Exceed expectations

The campaign exceeded the client’s expectations. The push/pull tactics amplified the results by increasing their typical promo take rate by 576%. They exceeded their stretch goal, reaching a 21% closure rate, and they had close 27% more voids than a previous promotion they ran. The combination of touchpoints also had a positive impact.

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